You've probably arrived here by accident because nobody comes here on purpose. If you fancy hanging around for a few minutes then you'll very likely find a few photos of birds, the odd mammal, a few dodgy landscapes, some macro shots of insects and various sporting activities. Other things will appear from time to time and I'm not going to predict whether they'll be good or simply tut. I do this because I enjoy it and not because I'm particularly good at it.... but there's always the occasional lucky shot isn't there!
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Visitors 13441
4255 photos, 30 videos

Contact Info
AddressPays Civraisien
La Vienne 86
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All Photographs

The Animal Kingdom

Galleries 5
Modified 22-Oct-22
304 photos
The Animal Kingdom

Performing Arts

Galleries 4
Modified 21-Aug-24
157 photos
Performing Arts

People.....Formal and Candid

Galleries 4
Modified 26-Mar-18
79 photos
People.....Formal and Candid


Visitors 49
164 photos
Created 28-Nov-24
Modified 28-Nov-24

Une decannie de football

Visitors 12
231 photos
Created 28-Nov-24
Modified 28-Nov-24
Une decannie de football

Football en Poitou Charentes

Galleries 74
Modified 11-Dec-24
2463 photos
Football en Poitou Charentes

Football Féminine à La Chapelle Baton

Galleries 18
Modified 11-Dec-24
420 photos
Football Féminine à La Chapelle Baton


Visitors 4
39 photos
Created 22-Nov-24
Modified 22-Nov-24

Sport et Loisirs

Galleries 3
Modified 21-Aug-24
127 photos
Sport et Loisirs


Visitors 75
36 photos
Created 30-Aug-23
Modified 30-Aug-23

Macro lighting studio

Visitors 48
23 photos
Created 23-Sep-23
Modified 23-Sep-23
Macro lighting studio

Infrared.......... 590nm & 720nm

Galleries 2
Modified 8-Aug-14
33 photos

Les Pyrénées Octobre 2024 et Octobre 2023

Visitors 17
35 photos
Created 7-Nov-24
Modified 7-Nov-24
Les Pyrénées Octobre 2024 et Octobre 2023

Landscape / Paysage

Galleries 1
Modified 5-Jun-16
4 photos
Landscape / Paysage

Beach belle 26 Oct 2017

Visitors 39
17 photos
Created 21-Nov-24
Modified 21-Nov-24
Beach belle 26 Oct 2017


Visitors 16
47 photos
Created 22-Nov-24
Modified 22-Nov-24


Visitors 9
43 photos
Created 11-Jul-24
Modified 11-Jul-24

300mm f/4 lenses#

Visitors 255
7 photos
Created 21-Nov-24
Modified 21-Nov-24
300mm f/4 lenses#

Aurora Filter Tests

Visitors 22
10 photos
Created 21-Nov-24
Modified 21-Nov-24
Aurora Filter Tests